The Giant Sequoia
“The One-in-a-Billion Tree"

  • The Giant Sequoia


    The Giant Sequoia, scientifically known as the Sequoiadendron giganteum is a coniferous tree native to the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range in California.

  • Stats

    Location: In Cozine Creek Natural Area

    DBH: 249.2cm

    Height: 29.7 meters

    Green Weight: 63,815.86 kg

    Dry Weight: 31,907.93 kg

    Carbon Content: 15,953.97 kg

  • More About the Giant Sequoia

    This tree can grow up to 300 feet tall, weigh up to 600 tons, and be up to 30 feet in diameter. These trees are the largest in the world, because they never stop growing and can live up to 3,000 years in age! Giant Sequoias grow by their cones falling to the ground, with the seeds remaining inside for up to 20 years. When fires go through a sequoia forest, it opens up the older cones which releases the seeds onto the ground. These seeds are about the size of a grain of oatmeal, and have less than a one in one billion chance in growing and maturing.

Endorsed by:

Cody Pickar-Student

Pi Kappa Alpha-Fraternity

  • “I’m supporting this tree because it has faced impossible odds just to become a presence on our campus. It also represents us students from California!” -Cody Pickar

  • “The Giant Sequoia is a one in a billion tree, because the chances of a seed becoming a tree, is one in a billion. Pi Kappa Alpha would like to endorse this tree because we take pride that our brothers incorporate our 4 pillars of our acronym SLAG into their daily lives. Our brothers pledge to be Scholars, Leaders, Athletes and Gentleman, creating brothers that are one in a billion. People should join us in endorsing trees like the Giant Sequoia because it helps bring awareness that number of trees in the world are declining. We want to encourage people around the world to take care of the trees around them and to take care of the environment.” -Pi Kappa Alpha